PUTRAJAYA, April 18 —  Menu Rahmah operators will be given special discounts on the price of ingredients to ensure the sustainability of the initiative, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar, who is also the Minister of Finance, said the government with the cooperation of selected supermarkets agreed to offer the price of raw materials such as chicken, onions, basic food items for Menu Rahmah operators at special discounted rates.

“Through this effort, it is hoped that we will be able to provide relief to entrepreneurs and further ensure the continuation of the implementation of the Menu Rahmah which has provided great benefits especially to the poor,” he said in a press conference here today.

Anwar said the government appreciates the contribution of Menu Rahmah operators in jointly ensuring the success of MADANI’s aspirations to reduce the cost of living for the people.

“At the same time, the government is also aware and concerned about the production costs that entrepreneurs have to bear in order to obtain supplies of raw materials,” he said.

The government through the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living launched the Menu Rahmah initiative to help reduce the cost of living for the people, especially the poor.

Minister of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Datuk Seri Salahuddin Ayub said the implementation of incentives for Menu Rahmah operators through special discounts in selected supermarkets will start in the middle of next month.

“The Ministry is confident that through this special incentive, Menu Rahmah operators can continue to provide such meals to consumers for a longer period of time.

“This incentive is also expected to encourage more restaurant operators to participate in the Menu Rahmah initiative,” he said in a statement today.

As of April 15 (2023), a total of 1,706 Menu Rahmah operators have registered on the Menu Rahmah portal to provide balanced and nutritious food menus at below RM5.

Salahuddin said the ministry called on more entrepreneurs to join the Menu Rahmah initiative by registering on the portal, http://menurahmah.kpdn.gov.my, to receive the special initiative.

He said the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (KPDN) will extend special discount incentives for Menu Rahmah operators to raw material suppliers through an engagement session that will be held soon.


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