Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Taala Wabarakatuh dan Salam Sejahtera

Alhamdulillah, Nahmaduhu Wa Nusalli Ala Rasoolilah Kareem


Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Tan Sri Datuk Seri Utama Mohd Khalil bin Yaakob,

Sahabat dan sudah jadi negarawan sekarang, terima kasih Tun;


Saudara YB Tuan Loke Siew Fook,

Menteri Pengangkutan;


Saudara YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang,

Menteri Sains, Teknologi Dan Inovasi;


Saudara YAB Datuk Seri Utama Ab Rauf bin Yusoh,

Ketua Menteri Melaka;


YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Mohd Khairul Adib bin Abd Rahman;


Tetamu-tetamu kehormat;


Dan rakan-rakan yang saya muliakan.

  1. Saya mengucapkan terima kasih dan penghargaan atas kehadiran walaupun ini dibuat dalam skala santai kerana tumpuan kita adalah tentang aerospace exhibition dan juga maritime yang kita saksikan dengan jayanya iaitu 16th Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace Exhibition of LIMA 2023.


  1. Now, of course, I think I need to begin by expressing my profound appreciation, particularly the Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Transport and all related ministries and agencies, including the LIMA 2023 team for such a splendid, successful and encouraging exhibition.


  1. This is spectacular in the sense of the level of support recognition given to Malaysia and I must also use this opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation to our colleagues from many countries, in this particular function to express our gratitude to our friends in the Premier Aerospace and Maritime Exhibition in the Asia Pacific.


  1. Well, it began purely as a defense focused exhibition. Now, the commercial element of the exhibition since 2019 had made this biennial event an even more attractive prospect. 40% of the exhibition now is the commercial sector. LIMA 2023 has established itself as an event that encompasses all sides of aerospace and maritime sectors both the military and civilian aspects.


  1. I personally have benefited immensely listening and viewing the various products yesterday for hours looking at the various naval ships and this morning until now, looking at the success of our local expertise and foreign participation. I mean some very big support and facility provided by United Arab Emirates (UAE) for example Turkiye and many other countries which remains phenomenal as far as we are concerned and something that we can not only import but also learn due to this exposure.


  1. Now, this exhibition is unique by itself and without parallel in the sense that some element of success more than what has been shown, the acrobatic aerospace shows that has been in display for a number of days but the maritime sector which is growing to be rather huge and attractive and this is probably not relative known that the fact the combination of aerospace and maritime industries.


  1. This is not usual, if you see the various exhibitions throughout the world and it is placed in Langkawi, extremely attractive with the green environment and beautiful beaches relatively humid but then just so spectacular and attractive that you forget about the heat and enjoy the scenery.


  1. Today, we observe 600 exhibitors and 45,000 trade visitors with more than 450 VVIPs and this is of course reflective of the capacity of Malaysians, the various ministries and the private sector and civil society collaborate in an effort which is certainly to my mind not only attractive but successful because it shows our capacity, tenacity, resolve to make it work and work rather successfully and efficiently.


  1. I am proud that our country is playing a key role in the growth of global aerospace and maritime industries which in 2021 alone were valued at nearly USD300 billion for aerospace and USD170 billion for maritime respectively. So the success of LIMA 2023 will insya-Allah reinforce Malaysia as a regional hub for the aerospace and maritime industries. It will enable us to move closer to the realization of the Malaysian Aerospace Industry Blueprint and the Malaysia Shipping Master Plan.


  1. I would like in particular to congratulate and thank two leading Ministers, YB Dato’ Seri Utama Haji Mohamad Bin Haji Hasan, Minister of Defense and YB Tuan Loke Siew Fook, the Minister of Transport as well as their respective teams and other related ministries such as the Ministry of Science Technology Innovation, YB Tuan Chang Lih Kang and his team particularly in the Malaysian Space Agency for putting together the first ever space tech nexus at this year’s LIMA.


  1. This reflects not only our capacity but our vision and role in the growth of the space technology again which is expected to reach a global market value of USD10 trillion by 2030. I would not name all the other agencies and ministries, please bear with me because if I name them, it will take two and a half hours.


  1. However, the Ministry of Tourism and the Langkawi Development Authority must be given the credit for promoting LIMA 2023. Of course, Malaysian Armed Forces, the Royal Military Navy, the Royal Malaysian Air Force, the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency and the Royal Malaysian Police for organizing the aviation and naval displays as well as providing security for the event.


  1. Thank you for the organizers of LIMA 23, Alpine Integrated Solution for their dedication and all supporting partners. There is a reason why in Malaysia we probably call this island the jewel of Kedah. I come from Penang. Do not forget Penang is the Pearl of the Orient. So combine the two. So we should combine our efforts between the pearl and the jewel and not forget Melaka.


  1. So thank you again and I mean it is really heartening to see how Malaysians when they collaborate and focus on the needs of the present and our vision for the future, we can really make miracles and create miracles. This is one miraculous event that the region seemed to be focused and supportive.


Terima Kasih.

Wassalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.





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